Welcome to 44property

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How can 44property.com help me?
  • What is commercial and residential real estate?
  • What is the difference between square meters and square feet?
Q - How can 44property.com help me?

A - If you own, lease or need to buy or sell then it is a medium in between property seekers and property owners, it also give a options of property developers to seekers, and make easy to buy, rent, sale property online.Using this site property seekers easily search local property. Property seekers get all information about property to buy or rent any property with property photos.With posted time of advertise on the site.Seekers can easily contact with property owners using this site.

Q - What is commercial and residential real estate?

A - Commercial real estate is business-focused. It involves property that is sold, leased, or used to achieve a predeterminedbusiness objective. It’s used as an investment to achieve an anticipated rate of return on the funds invested. Residential real estate revolves around the wants and needs of a homeowner and his family. It involves property purchasedfor individual use, most often to provide housing for families.

Q - What is the difference between square meters and square feet?

A - The difference is that the meter is the internationally agreed unit of measurement of area, and the foot is a non-SI or non-metric unit of area, used mainly in the United States of America,Canada, United Kingdom, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. A square meter is equal to 10.76 feet.
Length: 1 metre=39.3701 inches 1 metre=3.28084 feet
Area: 1 square metre=10.764 square feet 1 hectare=2.47105 acres